We aren’t showing the dogs we have for adoption on this website because everything can change very quickly and it’s quite a task to keep updating it. Instead we use facebook which is much quicker and easier to update.
Also, we have dogs on the waiting list that may suit a prospective adopter but hasn’t been posted anywhere so it’s worth contacting us to see if we have your lovely dog waiting in the wings.
How it works –
If we have a dog that you think would fit well into your home, we arrange a time and day for you to come and pay the kennel a visit. You can meet your chosen dog or if you’re unsure and would like to meet one of the others then that’s fine. If you need time to think about it, then don’t worry about saying that you need time. Better right than rapid!
If you would like to reserve your dog then HURRAH! We take photos to celebrate and arrange a time and day to fetch your dog to visit you. We do all the home-check things during that visit. If any alterations to your house or garden need to be made, then we’ll advise on that during the visit. We’ll also go through all the things you need to know to keep your new best friend safe and happy. If you need more time to think then that’s fine, we don’t mind.
If you want to go ahead and adopt then we make another appointment for you to come to the kennel, sign all the adoption paperwork and make your new best friend your very own.
Your dog will go home with a brand new, top of the range walking out collar and lead, a new muzzle, a top class waterproof, warm walking out coat, a house collar, a 15kg bag of greyhound kibble, information pack and of course a lifetime of support.
It’s also worth saying here that we operate with a guaranteed no blame return policy. All we ask is that if the adoption cannot continue for WHATEVER reason, that you return him/her to us.